Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Smiles and Magnolias

Originally Posted: May 31, 2009

I set out in search of a magnolia tree and honeysuckle. I found the honeysuckle, and I, like any other child may do, stopped for a taste of the nectar. There did not seem to be as much to extract as I remember from my childhood, but it was a bit sweeter.

I continued my walk through a very picturesque downtown. People tend to stare at me like I'm some sort of alien. I cannot blame them as I would probably stare at the strange woman who tastes honeysuckle and reaches out to touch unfamiliar tree leaves just to see what they feel like. I know there is still hope for me here. Although strangers do not smile first or simultaneously, they always return the smile I insist on giving to them. They also look a bit surprised, and I am happy to have imprinted a thought on someone's day.
I have had the first fairly satisfying weekend since moving up here. I didn't find my magnolia, but I had fun looking. I guess that is life in a nutshell. We rarely find or get what we want, but what the hell fun is it if you actually get it? It's the longing and searching that makes it worth the while in the end.

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