Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Originally Posted: Thursday, January 3, 2008

I remember when my mother was 25. She received a Bible from her mother, and I can remember reading the inside cover. It was made of red, smooth leather, and everything in my 7 year old mind was at peace for some reason. I can remember Mom's hands and how they looked much older than her face.

I'm 25 now. Unlike my mother I don't have 3 children, but I feel my age is showing more than my mother's age ever thought about revealing. I'm horrified that I can fold my skin together on my face and see a temporary crease. Mom says I'm not drinking enough water. I know that unfortunately, I got my father's aging genes, and I'm doomed to ugliness by the age of 30. Mom doesn't have a single line on her face. It makes me sick.
Now, I'm investing time and money in preserving what youth I do have. I think if I lose the excess weight that will help dramatically. Drinking more water wouldn't be a bad idea at all either. I have gray in my hair, and small lines under my eyes to accent the dark circles, and I have successfully depressed myself enough to just go home and hide under a pillow.

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