Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pet Peeves

Originally Posted: Thursday, January 3, 2008

1. Knowing that even though my office mate didn't answer his phone and thereby signaling that obviously he is not there, the person making the inner office call will come in here and look for him every single time.

2. People who make voices...especially sudden, obnoxious voices when you don't expect them.

3. People who make fun of nerds, dorks, etc.

4. People who are always negative.

5. If a woman is sexual in any way, she is a whore. A man can do whatever he wants, and he is the man.

6. People telling me I can't do something.

7. Loud people with no tact.

8. Condescending tones of voice

9. Hypocrites

10. Being stuck in any situation I feel I can't get out of.
OK I feel better now.

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