Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This is my third attempt at blogging since being laid off, and as I have before, I really am just blank. I can think of many different things to talk about but not just one. I figure it will be better to simply start typing and get at least some of it out.

I have discovered Twitter. It is therapy for ADHD sufferers. I love it.

I was recently inspired by my little 8 year old cousin. Adorable and smart, she shares the same interests in obscure things such as Presidents, First Ladies, Globes, and Science. She is such a sweet child, and as bright as she can be. So help me, if I do not die penniless, she will get something from me when I die. At this rate, I hate that I may very well disappoint her in that regard, but I hope I can be a good influence.

Continuing on the note of young girls, holy crap what is up with the hooch movement? The utter lack of respect for one's self is appalling in this age group of young women (11 - 22). Now, keep in mind, I am about the most liberal free-thinking person one can find (ok, well not exactly extreme left or anything), but when a girl feels like she has to give up so much of herself to a guy who will treat her like last week's Chinese food forgotten in the fridge is mind boggling.

Hopefully the next post will be better put together. This one is totally random.

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